In a dark and precedent-setting week for online censorship, the axe has fallen on yet another dissident Irish Youtuber, this time in the form of Dave Cullen, who had his channel purged Sunday morning from the embattled video hosting site.
With just over 500,000 subscribers, Cullen who originally started his life on the channel 14 years ago primarily as a technology reviewer, made a name for himself among rightist circles due to his drift into conservative and nationalist politics. More recently he has led the charge in the critique of the science behind state-mandated lockdowns and the emergence of what he believed to be a technocratic police state by means of a ‘Great Reset’.
In an email sent to Cullen who partially operates under the moniker ‘Computing Forever’, Youtube stated that the suspension was on account of ‘repeated violations of our Community Guidelines’ the standard line when extirpating non-conformist content. This week alone has witnessed a bloodbath of content removal in the aftermath of the storming of the US Capitol Building, and this trend is likely to only accelerate amid the worsening of the political situation in America and the end of the Trump era.

In a statement following his suspension Cullen reiterated his commitment to truth-seeking and journalism, saying “I’m very proud of maintaining a strong commitment to the truth. I regret nothing I’ve said in the fight against evil forces threatening our freedoms. Today’s banning on YouTube will just liberate me further.”
Fortunately the rather strategically savvy Cullen appears to have apprehended the inevitability of his channel’s demise as he has already established himself on a variety of alt-tech platforms softening the blow from his YouTube suspension. With 83,000 subscribers on his BitChute channel already and 6,000 plus on his additional Odysee channel, his deletion off YouTube shouldn’t be seen as a fatal blow.
At this point one has to believe there was a lot of detailed planning involved. The distraction from the elector challenges in the battleground states which should have finally forced the mainstream media to admit that the allegations of election manipulation and fraud did have substantial , even overwhelming ,evidence, was clearly planned using infiltrators from Antifa, followed by extremely naive Maga followers. The debate of course was completely forgotten in the “fog of war”:. In one way you have to give credit to the left who will not miss the opportunity provided to impeach Trump, and thus emasculate the “deplorables“ in 2024. The Machiavellian advice to the Prince is that when you have vanquished the enemy you should either rule him so benignly he will accept your rule, or else completely destroy him so that there is no future possibility he will rise again. They would appear to have chosen the latter option. Hopefully in this case it won’t be effective and just result in the reappearance of voices like Daves in other platforms . The worry is that Dorsey, Zuckerberg et al, have the power to take over and destroy the opposition.
Cullen has been at the forefront of the move to alt-tech and is an ispiration to Irish Nationalists and Catholics.
Move to Bitchute, Telegram,Gab if you arent already there .
Big tech is going to suffocate itself.
Everybody needs to make the leap to real World activism. This should be yet more proof of just how important that is. You need to be part of local newtworks fighting against this terror. Larping online wont change anything. Join the NP and push Nationalism locally.
That’s great for Irishers, and I commend and applaud your efforts at nationalism. Here in the United (or dis-united) States, there is no organization such as yours that I am aware of. WE NEED ONE DESPERATELY.
We keep track of our new media Networks and keep links up to date son you can find them when the elite cabal remove them from their platforms. Remember the wealth of those removing freedom of speech from their platforms are entirely dependent on our business to make their wealth. Be sure to support the development of our own networks Dave’s videos can be found following the link on this page.
Does anyone know if BitChute has an ad platform?
He is still on youtube btw and was commenting yesterday from his channel.
And i wouldn’t care either if that middle class American twang twat was banned.
He represents the minority of fake Irish who think they’re a colony of America.
And walking in the forest looks ridiculous. Am I supposed to bond with you as if I’m out for a walk with ye?
Yer aristocratic little west brit east American snobs and you bond with no one other than other elites,
and the broken sentimental Irish with their inferiority complex will flock to your air of snobbery
and approve of you all the more fervently the more contempt you show to everything authentic masculine and common.
Your very identity as an amero phile is a proof of internalized contempt for the authentic Irish,
and personally I think you’re a wanker. “Dave”
What a comment! It is striking that the intolerant left, even at the height of their arrogance and usurpation of power, are becoming more and more incoherent and petty in their manner of self-expression (a good indication that their minds are equally compromised) while the people who value freedom, rule of law, and common decency are rising to the occasion by becoming more literate, more informed and more coherent and lucid in their arguments and analysis the world.
That would give me hope, except for the historical precedent that the Nazis and the Communists did not collapse from total stupidity before they could commit their appalling crimes, and indeed, as George Orwell noted, such self-induced imbecility seems to be a prerequisite for totalitarianism.
So often, the greatest expression of humankind is also the most tragic.
At least you had the decency to end your comment with “personaly I think”. Don’t speak for the nation. Hubris.
The small mean dwarf-like mentality of the authentic Irish begrudger was something that was feared to have died out. It that went, the begrudgery itself which issued from it would disappear and we would all be the worse off .
How reassuring to see “DT” exemplify the tradition in such fine style. He gave a wonderful display of the begrudger’s rant where he put Dave Cullen in his place.
Up the begrudgers!
i see ‘DT’ is at his usual rant’s, with another pseudonym , i wonder if these soulless DEVILS ever feel like giving it a rest ? Dave Cullen is an awesome legend, man of truth, light and integrity, something these demonic activist’s know nothing about, so i suggest they wither back into the same place of origin, in the bowels of HELL whence they emanated from, go be GONE you fiery demons, leave us the people of higher integrity and aspiration alone!!