Dr. Lucy Michael’s audio from the Irish Antifa Project, which investigated Antifa related corruption as it exists across Irish politics is now available on BitChute. Please find the link here

Dr Lucy Michael is an academic active in a variety of anti-racist NGOs and initiatives across Ireland. A self described expert on immigration and diversity, she holds a PhD in Criminology from Keele University.

Dr Michael has been an active contributor to a range of anti-racist organisations, among those the Open Society funded Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), noted for its participation in antifascist events and consultation with the state and social media giants regarding hate speech.

When asked about the risk of using violence Dr Michael replied that “I wouldn’t say no” but stressed the need to keep a broad front against the far right.

Original Article: https://burkeandev.wpengine.com/articles/2020/04/15/irish-antifa-project-dr-lucy-michael

Posted by The Burkean


  1. David Weafer 03/10/2020 at 6:41 am

    Is this another George soros antifa terrorists supporting Marxist


  2. Dr. Lucy Michael ‘s website says she’s: “… an expert on integration, diversity and equality in Ireland and the UK.”
    She holds a “… PhD and MA in Criminology from Keele University and Bachelor of Civil Laws from University College Dublin.”
    But yet this shameless and “highly educated” criminologist says she would be open to agreeing to injury and harm being inflicted on those who hold beliefs that don’t tally with her own.
    Does she remind you of that sulky spoilt child you knew in your youth that upended the checkers or chess board every time s/he got beaten?
    Where ordinary folk think ahead in weeks and months, The Elite think in decades and centuries. Lucy would have probably been groomed by them from her first days in Uni. The not-so-bright ones make the best recruits. Those of low IQ are easier to manipulate, control or blackmail if need be. And, like Lucy, they are more disposed to thuggary.
    The Elite today have such influence they are able to nurse people like Lucy through Uni and then have their grades inflated in order that they gain PhDs in made-up and idiotic disciplines such as integration/diversity.
    What’s dangerous about unintellectual grade-inflated PhD holders is that in a lot of cases they view themselves as having won their qualifications legitimately. In other cases they’ll subconsciously be aware of the grade-inflation and arrogantly push their “expertise” forward in an attempt to prove to themselves that if push had come to shove they’d have been able to gain their qualifications using their intellects. Whether the former or latter, The Elite gain by having them ruthlessly promote their agenda (as in above case, Lucy’s willingness to condone violence to promote an ideology).
    As has been made clear this year in cities across the United States, Antifa’s controllers view violence, rioting and mayhem as a legitimate route to power.
    Western education is today totally controlled by The Elite. Check out Antifa in the US or Germany. In these two countries the vast majority of Antifa is made-up of middle-class White youths from wealthy families. In decades past these youths would not have qualified for university. After secondary school they’d have gravitated towards bottom-shelf clerical work or apprenticeships. Today, though, they are head-hunted and eagerly sought by universities. Where make believe and generally worthless disciplines along sociological lines have been created for them.
    They then become part of The Elites bottom-up destruction of Western cultural systems. For instance, you get enough of them shouting loud enough about gender identities and then this can be presented to a government as the “electoral’s will”. Then, as today in the Western World, you have 6-year-olds being coerced into questioning their gender and being given drugs as a means to alter it.
    Can anyone tell me that a person like “Criminologist” Dr Lucy Michael, who says she might condone pushing the sexualising of 6-year-olds via violence, is really intelligent in the normal sense?
    Any country that wants to safeguard its future first needs to take back their Universities. If this isn’t done Western society will crash and burn.


  3. […] When asked by the undercover reporter from The Burkean if she was “okay with getting potentially physical with” the so-called “far-right” and “doing… what needs to be done”, she responded that she “wouldn’t say no”, with the academic also describing her “professional [and] personal opinion” as being separate. […]


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