NUIGSU Elections: Has the Left Peaked on Campuses?
The results of the recent NUI Galway students Union elections marked a watershed in leftist dominance of Student Union politics at NUI Galway. In the SU election last Friday, candidates supposedly more associated with the ideological far-left lost to more...

Revealed : NUIGSU Facing Financial Catastrophe Over Levy Dispute
The Burkean can report this evening of an apparent schism between NUIG and the university’s Student Union (NUIGSU) that leaves the beleaguered Union in financial tatters. Centering on the controversial levy decrease at the behest of a student referendum which...

Galway People Before Profit Embroiled in Yet Another MeToo Scandal
Note: This article was amended on the 8th of April to clarify aspects of the legal disputes which have and are occurring as well as individuals involved. The world and NUIG in particular woke up to yet another MeToo scandal...

Students Mobilise Against NUIGSU Deplatforming Proposals
A small mercy existent hitherto on Irish campuses has been the dearth of hate speech regulations. While your garden variety anarcho-communist or trot SU official could foam at the mouth at the activities or even existence of a publication like...

Young People Need Options Other Than Traditional Universities
It’s that time of the year again. The summer is over, and more than 200,000 third-level students here are preparing to start another academic year. Some have recently expressed surprised at the slight decrease in the number of applicants who...