Tag: Irish Language

Gaelish: A Proposal
Does Ireland exist? Is there such a country as Ireland? This question occurs to me more and more as time goes by. There is certainly a large island to the west of Britain which is denoted by that name. The...

Aodh de Blácam: Ireland’s Answer to Oswald Spengler
“I contemplate a people which has had a long night, and will have an inevitable day. I am turning my eyes toward a hundred years to come, and I dimly see the Ireland I am gazing on become the road...

Acht na Gaeilge: Free State Failures for the Six Counties
Free State Failures: The Irish language occupies a schizophrenic place within the policymaking and public consciousness of the 26 counties. While institutionalised at an educational and legislative level and generally supported by the public at large, the language barely registers...

A Proposal for a Course on National Studies
What with the “Beast from the East”, the upcoming abortion referendum and the ongoing crises in health and housing, you’ve most likely missed a double celebration of the Irish language that’s languishing at the bottom of the media’s priority list....