Tag: Heritage

Is Irish Nationalism Lacking an Aesthetic?
“We know of an ancient radiation That haunts dismembered constellations” The re-emergence of the Right in the late 2010s will be viewed as one of most significant developments in Irish politics by future historians. Although afflicted by a myriad of...

Aodh de Blácam: Ireland’s Answer to Oswald Spengler
“I contemplate a people which has had a long night, and will have an inevitable day. I am turning my eyes toward a hundred years to come, and I dimly see the Ireland I am gazing on become the road...

Paul Cullen: The Saviour of Irish Catholicism
[This article originally appeared here] Contrary to popular belief, Ireland hasn’t always been a bastion of Catholicism. Especially considering that most people nowadays – in their decadency - consider the Church’s condemnation of contraception as the pinnacle of Catholic belief,...

Why Do We Let The Left Own Irish Culture
In February of 2018, Hermann Kelly, now the leader of the Irish Freedom Party, organised an Irexit conference in Dublin’s RDS, at which Nigel Farage was the main speaker. The event received much coverage in the Irish media, and also...

Christmas: A Conservative Festival
Once a year, the modern world indulges in a celebration of everything it usually disdains: family, nostalgia, tradition, sentimentality, innocence, festivity, ceremony, and even (albeit usually indirectly) religion. Christmas is the annual return of the repressed, on a societal level....

Towards an Irish Aliyah? Irish Diaspora Policy for the 21st Century
“The Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage”- Bunreacht na hÉireann It is a common cliché that Ireland if it is to be anything must be more...