Tag: Europe
Our Gallant Allies: How Will Irish Progressives Deal with Europe’s Turn Right?
With Ireland’s NGOcracy scrambling to put out fires at home, liberals took a minor spit take at the presence of An Taoiseach in Brussels hobnobbing with Órban and Meloni at this month's EU migration summit. A standard tête-à-tête, it constituted...
Has War with Russia Failed to Energise Europe?
When the poet Lamartine noted in 1839 that ‘La France s’ennuie’ (France is bored), he had hit on something quintessential to the zeitgeist of modern Europe. Whilst the previous revolution of 1789 had been precipitated by the political hunger of...
Ortega y Gasset: Man Against the Masses
José Ortega y Gasset, despite being one of the most renowned Spanish academics of the twentieth century, is an author whose corpus is unfortunately overlooked by modern anglophone right-wing circles. Ortega’s writings are of particular interest to a rightist analysis,...
“Each fights for the Fatherland” : Pádraig Pearse
The following is a 1915 article by Pádraig Pearse reflecting on the significance of the outbreak of hostilities on the Continent, syndicated in light of today's events. When we are old (those of us who live to be old) we...
Euro Snap Shot: How Corporations Abuse Irish Residency
The Euro Stoxx 50 index gives us a snapshot of how EU denominated stocks are performing. As they also indicate where institutional investors with Euro denominated liabilities should hold their offsetting assets, they play pivotal roles in the management of...
Action Française: History and Practice
Previously profiled in The Burkean for their brand of youth-inspired neo-monarchism, Action française is a household name within the French Right. This article is by one of their activists, and in it he briefly discusses the origins of the group...
Poland Court Ruling Shows EU Going Beyond Its Legal Authority
Poland’s Constitutional Court ruling that European law does not always hold supremacy over national law is not what the fear-mongering commentariat deem it to be. When Poland brought about an attempt to reform its Communist-era judicial system, the European Courts...
Has Eurofederalism Hit a Legal Roadbump?
On May 5th the German Constitutional Court did what was unthinkable to Europhiles everywhere, and ignored the claims of the CJEU that European law is superior to National law. Before we consider the implications of this ruling, we should first...
Can Nationalists Win the European Parliamentary Elections?
Between May 23rd and May 26th next year, voters all across the European Union will have the chance to vote for their representatives in the European Parliament for the next five years. The EP is one of the five ‘core’...
Democracy isn’t All it’s Cracked Up to Be
Professor David Thunder is a researcher and lecturer at the University of Navarra’s Institute for Culture and Society in Pamplona, Spain. He is author of Citizenship and the Pursuit of the Worthy Life (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Twitter: @davidjthunder As Europe, the United...