Category: Reflections

Nazbol Sally: A Right Wing Extremist Reviews ‘Beautiful World, Where Are You’

Preface: I vowed never to read Rooney’s glorified chick-lit again… I was on an excursion to the Carpathian Mountains, accompanied by my Dacian irredentist comrade from the Blackrock College days, when I received a call at the foot of the...

/ 10/09/2021

A Tale of Two Bishops: Eamonn Casey and Irish Modernism

Nothing encapsulates the regime change that occurred in the Irish hierarchy during the 20th century more than the transfer of the Galway bishopric from Michael Browne to Eamonn Casey in 1976. The parishioners of Galway had to say goodbye to...

/ 05/09/2021

An Irish Republican Responds to Spengler-Aodh de Blácam

A prolific yet sadly neglected theorist of the national revolution, Aodh de Blácam was an English born convert to Irish nationalism. Involved in a variety of political and journalistic endeavours, de Blácam issued this reply to Oswald Spengler, arguing per...

/ 01/09/2021

Organising For a Christian Society-Frank Duff (1958)

The following are extracts from a 1958 oration by Legion of Mary founder Frank Duff. Celebrating their centenary this September, the Legion is a lay organisation known for its mix of missionary work and Marian devotion. Briefly acting as private...

/ 15/08/2021

Crushproof: Skanger Nationalist Parable on Screen

“I'll remember Dublin city, in the rare ould times” “And their sons will be respected men, and they will be established as judges over your sons; they will govern your city and they will buy your field, for the universal...

/ 11/08/2021

Traditionis Custodes: Does the Latin Mass Have a Future in Ireland?

News emerged recently that the Archbishop of Dublin and the Bishop of Cork and Ross have decided not to introduce restrictions on the Latin Mass in their respective dioceses. Greeted with relief by Traditional Catholics, the decision came in light...

/ 04/08/2021

The Untenability of Statism and Individualism in an Age of Lockdown

“Under democratic ideology runs the current of fascism which overflows at the surface. But beneath that runs a countercurrent. Beware lest that countercurrent overflow! Beware lest you bestow upon it power by trying to close it off completely!” – Vilfredo...

/ 01/08/2021

High-Low against the Middle-Globalism’s Moral Model

In my last article on the moral trichotomy, I ended with the line, “the master moralist will triumph in this world, the servant moralist will triumph in the next, while the slave moralist will triumph in their heads”. I hoped...

/ 24/07/2021

Some Tips for New and Experienced Writers

The last twelve months has seen a significant uptick in the number of articles submitted to us for publication, a fact that brings us here at the Burkean much delight. What’s more, these articles are often things we want to...

/ 22/06/2021

Chasing The Ghosts of ’98:The Slow Death of Protestant Nationalism

The land of Hope and Betsy GrayOf Orr, McCracken and MunroThe land where Mitchel sleeps todayTo English thieves shall never go. Ulster War Song by Brian O’Higgins In August 1896, a memorial stone was erected on the gravesite of one...

/ 27/05/2021