Acht na Gaeilge: Free State Failures for the Six Counties
Free State Failures: The Irish language occupies a schizophrenic place within the policymaking and public consciousness of the 26 counties. While institutionalised at an educational and legislative level and generally supported by the public at large, the language barely registers...

Mary Lou and the Neutering of Sinn Féin
For generations born before the Good Friday Agreement the name Sinn Féin engenders a certain level of well warranted disgust. As the former political wing of a paramilitary organisation Sinn Féin is unusual for a Western European democracy, and only over the...

Towards an Irish Aliyah? Irish Diaspora Policy for the 21st Century
“The Irish nation cherishes its special affinity with people of Irish ancestry living abroad who share its cultural identity and heritage”- Bunreacht na hÉireann It is a common cliché that Ireland if it is to be anything must be more...

Ireland and the Coming Post-Liberal Order
Cemented by solid gains made by Eurosceptic and ultranationalists parties this March, Italy now joins a list of nations breaking ranks from the American led liberal order pervasive across the continent since the fall of the Berlin Wall. With an...

The Socialist Case For Being Pro-Life
If nothing else, conservatives and libertarians can admire the sincere socialist belief in improving the material conditions of the working class. Whilst we may show a preference towards private ownership as well as a justified apprehension towards state control over...

Ireland’s Nuclear Future? An Assessment
The embryonic Irish nuclear industry met its demise on the Wexford shoreline over the political furore surrounding attempts made by the Irish government to construct a total of four nuclear power plants to meet the country’s burgeoning energy needs. A...

W.B. Yeats: Irish Revolutionary Conservative
“I do not appeal to the professional classes, who, in Ireland, at least, appear at no time to have thought of the affairs of their country till they first feared for their emoluments – nor do I appeal to the shoddy society of...