In December of last year a Twitter account was set-up. TitledIrish Students Against Fascism, it described itself as an aspiring antifascist organising hub to physically, socially and professionally harass individuals engaged with conservative or nationalist politics on campuses. 

Very soon the account garnered well over a thousand followers, with retweets from the Union of Students Ireland’s official account among other leftist activist organizations. The account boasted of an impending website dumping incriminating material relating to students on campus, particularly in Young Fine Gael, and invited individuals to contribute over private messaging.

What has been unknown until today was that, from the very onset, the page was operated by students involved with The Burkean. The account was set up with the intent of performing long term investigative work into antifascism in Ireland, as well as its insidious and often blatant links with civic society, journalism and politics. 

Put politely, antifascism is the euphemism given to the work done to destroy the lives of people with right leaning sympathies. While traditionally associated with left republicanism, it is these days more often than not linked to Ireland’s ubiquitous NGO complex, as well as well-funded activists heavily networked within the world of journalism, politics and the private sector. 

Many young people on the Irish Right have long claimed that there is institutional bias constantly working against them. However, it is only now that we can definitively say that this is not the case.

There is no institutional bias against young conservatives. There is an outright conspiracy against them. A conspiracy that starts at the lower levels of university life and leads all the way up, like a conveyor belt, to the NGO complex and the halls of the Oireachtas. Individuals brazenly abusing their positions of power trying to destroy their political opponents, with no fear of repercussions. It is with this series of exposés that these repercussions will finally start to materialise. 

Over the coming weeks, The Burkean will be publishing a series of exclusive messages, audio and video recordings that give a hint of the sheer scale of this corruption. These materials will show how students and organizations deemed to be politically dissentious had their data gathered and distributed amongst a host of campus activists, violent and non-violent, all with the support student government. 

This project will demonstrate how major student institutions treat those they perceive as politically dissident, as well as the degree to which they abuse their positions of power. Organisations such as Young Fine Gael were specifically targeted, with senior members of student organisations expressing a desire to help for private meetings to be infiltrated and members doxxed. From members of the Oireachtas to street activists, to an assortment of foreign financed NGOs and political activists ranging from Ógra Fianna Fáil to People Before Profit, the scale of the blatant corruption is remarkable. A spotlight shall be shown not merely on a rotten system of partisan corruption, but also on how power relations operate in Ireland against those deemed a threat to established power. 

Antifascist activity should and must carry a degree of social stigma matching its maliciousness, and henceforth, in Ireland it will. What will be made public in the coming weeks is not some elaborate Soros funded conspiracy theory, but hard evidence of a clear nexus of people with one hand on the levers of power at every level of Irish life. 

The university officials of today will be the Oireachtas members and civil servants of tomorrow. What various officials and activists said to undercover writers could have just as easily been said to genuine antifascist activists with real paramilitary links. While the Irish media and the left has made a cottage industry looking for a vast right wing conspiracy of foreign funding and online data collection, we have hours of audio and hard evidence showing institutional abuse of power at every stage of Irish life.

All this and much more will be revealed in gruesome detail in the coming weeks, exclusively on The Burkean.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. mister too damn antifa 06/03/2020 at 8:02 pm

    if you have evidence then post it, fascist


    1. After they do, will you stop projecting? I thought not.


    2. Fred Darvin 07/03/2020 at 8:45 am

      Make them


    3. My, my… how NAZI of you.


      1. How “national socialist” of you? Moron


    4. wristaction 07/03/2020 at 4:38 pm

      lol! cry.


    5. In the future, people who thrown down”fascist”at opponents will be rightfully and instantly regarded in the same manner the communist paramilitary wing of the Nazi party was. “Antifaschistische”. You’re all toast, including Soros. He’s trying to hide his money and offload it into NGOs, because he’s been a VERY bad boy. Unfortunately for him: NSA.
      Asset forfeiture is gonna hurt!

      The Great Awakening has begun.


      1. Mickey Mantle 08/03/2020 at 9:06 pm

        Excellent points…and yes, the Great Awakening has indeed begun.


      2. peadar macmillan 17/03/2020 at 8:26 pm

        Well said.


    6. Augusto McCarthy 08/03/2020 at 2:02 am

      All in a good time, degenerate communist.


    7. These anti-liberty Marxist are fooling no one. To these goons freedom of speech is “facist”.


    8. What’s it feel to be a twat?

      Because that’s exactly what you are, a vagina.


    9. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:14 pm

      There’s no such thing as an Irish fascist, you imbecile.


    10. Bob of Bonsall 24/11/2022 at 7:44 pm

      And that speaks volumes more about yourself and your inability to actually formulate a coherent argument than it ever could about the author of the article.


  2. Micky D's secret boy-toy 06/03/2020 at 8:14 pm

    Top bants, me old muckers. Bet this’ll put the sh1t up the dirts.


  3. Siobhan Rice 06/03/2020 at 8:46 pm

    Great news! Cant wait.


  4. Looking forward to the reports.


  5. “Antifascism” is code for the secret police of the Marxist state. In order to maintain power in an ostensibly democratic society, they had to build an elaborate persecution apparatus against their political enemies to oppress, harass, terrorize, and reputationally and financially ruin them.

    This is not an anomaly. It is their explicit modus operandi for seizing and maintaining power. Marxists can only hold on to power through a never-ending effort of suppressing, slandering, defaming, and sometimes outright physically attacking internal dissidents. They use it in every country. The UK has a well-funded, well-organized network within media, politics, external organizations, and academia to suppress dissident movements from rising up and challenging their power.

    It’s time to stop using their language which is meant to confuse and call them clearly what they are, which is the terror wing of the Marxist political movement.

    It is not a bug – it is a feature of their movement.


    1. ^exactly this


    2. The President of Antifa 16/07/2020 at 3:40 pm

      That’s an awful lot of words for “I’ve never made anyone orgasm”


      1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:18 pm

        Imagine being such a loser you join a group of wannabe totalitarians to feel powerful and important.

        I guarantee you’re the one who’s never pleased a woman in your life but keep projecting, soyboy!


    3. Charles Rowan 12/04/2021 at 4:40 am

      Happening here in the U.S.
      as well. Antifascists known as antifa supported by George Soros needs to be destroyed all around the world.. China is the enemy of the world. They started this virus and purposely spread it


  6. So, no real cement in the milkshakes? Thank heavens!

    But, slightly more seriously, it might be a good idea to put “Antifascist” in inverted commas or just call it “Antifa” as such groups tend towards Fascism themselves and should not be allowed to monopolise the title of Antifascist, which once meant something honourable.


    1. WTF are you on about John? Anti fascism is exactly what it says. It’s not the name of a group or an organisation. The term isn’t being monopolised. There are extremists on both sides, yes, but fascism is a right wing trait.


      1. And, Sean, since I am anti fascist and I believe you enable fascism, that makes you fascist. Prove you are not fascist. You notice how I made my case without describing a fascist act by you or actually connecting your acts of fascism to actual fascist causes, yet you still stand here in your fascistic glory?

        You are such a fascist. Since I am anti fascist, you are easily revealed as fascist as you are not aligned with me.


        1. Bobo, since I’m anti-idiot, and I believe you enable idiocy, that makes you expendable. After all, stupidity is the cause of most of the world’s problems. Prove you are not terminally stupid. You notice how I made my case without describing a stupid act by you or actually connecting you acts of stupidity to actual stupid causes, yet you still stand here in your stupid pride?


          1. Stupidity is certainly the cause of a lot of the worlds current problems , for example multiculturalism in the UK.

            I guess you’re thinking now ‘what problems’ , lol.

          2. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:19 pm

            Haha clearly Sean is butthurt.

            John is completely right, you dishonest little twerp.

        2. Brian Adkins 08/03/2020 at 12:02 pm

          So, If you don’t agree with me you are wrong. Well guess what? Hitler started out on the left as a Socialist in the early 1920’s. The actual name of the NAZI Party was ” National Socialist German Workers Party” . As he gained more and more power he grew into a fascist after silently destroying the people that “DIDN”T AGREE WITH HIM”. Sound familiar. History repeating itself.


          1. You’re partly wrong. Hitler and the Nazi party never stopped being socialists. Socialism/communism and fascism are two sides of the same totalitarian/authoritarian coin. Oh, in regards to the Night of the Long Knives where they killed the other socialists, that was entirely because the socialists that were killed wanted a violent revolution whereas Hitler wanted a peaceful revolution. He’d even go on to boast that not a single pane of glass was broken in his revolution.

            If you support socialism/communism, you are just as morally abhorrent as the Nazis and you’re even worse because you won’t even admit it.

      2. My meaning is crystal-clear and your bad language, however abbreviated, is uncalled-for.


      3. Ashley Shea 07/03/2020 at 6:09 am

        You think? Tell me, how often do you hear of Conservatives, who wear masks, shout down Liberal speakers, block highways, and attack journalists & students?
        “Fascism” is the use of bullying to prevent another from exercising their freedom. THAT, sweetheart, is the very definition of today’s “ANTIFA”
        Next time, a bit of commonsense.


      4. Mussolini was far closer to you “anti-fascists” than he ever was to people like me. You’re not fooling anyone but your fellow travelers.


      5. It’s a trait of violence; not one solely domiciled by either the right or left


      6. North Korea is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is none of the first 3 words in its title. Likewise Anti Fascist has lost it’s original meaning.


      7. Bob of Bonsall 07/03/2020 at 11:56 am

        Fascism Right Wing?
        I will disagree with that.
        Fascism was devised by Italian Socialist Giovanni Gentile in the years after the Garibaldi’s Risorgimento that saw the reunification of Italy under a single rule for the first time since Roman times.
        Concerned that Marx’s “Class Struggle” and “Class Conflict” risked blowing the country apart again, his idea was for all sections of the country to unite and work towards .

        The cachet of being “Right Wing” is almost 100% Soviet propaganda dating back to the immediate Post Great War Wiemar Germany which saw the Fascist inspired NSDAP engaged in furious street battles against the USSR supported and Bolshevist inspired Spartakusbund.


        1. Farving Startist 07/03/2020 at 10:22 pm

          Hmm, that is certainly what we’re told. Why though is a “fasces” on US currency and on both sides of the Speaker’s chair in Congress? They are also present at the Lincoln Memorial. So how is America not fascist? I don’t think that word means what some people think it means.


          1. The founding fathers used the ‘fasces’ as connector to republican Rome. It was adopted as a symbol of fascism far later. The use of it by the founders is not connected in any way to fascist symbolism.

          2. The Empire never ended

          3. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:22 pm

            Way to not even remotely have a grip on history lol

            Very typical for an “anti-fascist”.

        2. Augusto McCarthy 08/03/2020 at 2:06 am

          No! It’s pretty much the only way out. It certainly never looked this good.


      8. You’re so smart, dipshit.


      9. You follow and are funded by Soros. Once a literal Nazi. You think he isn’t into corporate control?

        Come out from under the rock. It’s nice out here in reality. By the way, you do understand that Nazis were socialists, don’t you?


        1. Augusto McCarthy 08/03/2020 at 2:07 am

          OK Dinesh


          1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:24 pm

            You clearly are completely incapable of thinking for yourself.

            You’re marching Ireland towards being under globalist control from imperial European countries who now pretend to be morally superior. Congrats.

      10. Fascism is a right wing trait you confidently say without evidence. Is Socialism alo a right wing trait? You do realize, Sean, that Fascists are socialists.

        But let’s not quibble over definitions. If all Fascists are in fact right wingers, as you falsely claim they are, does it follow that all right wingers are Fascist. All members of the Manchester United soccer team are professional soccer players. But, Sean, not all professional soccer players play for Manchester United. The problem with groups like Antifa is they purposely fail to recognize this logic.

        Winston Churchill was by anyone’s definition a man of the right. Was he also Fascist? According to Antifa, the answer is yes. According to Antifa, Churchill, the man who rallied England to fight rather than surrender to Nazi Germany, was a Fascist.

        This is absurd. Antifa is absurd. The tactics Antifa employs are absurd, and, ironically, Fascist.


      11. Sure it is comrade.


      12. Fascism is NOT a right wing trait – that is a Marxist con job. The two best known examples of Fascism are Italy under Mussolini and Nazi Germany under Hitler. Both are left wing Nationalist Socialists. Can you name an actual example of a Right-Wing Fascist government?


        1. The poor brain addled leftards can’t distinguish between “facist” and “authoritarian”.


      13. Chaos Marine 17/07/2020 at 1:19 am

        Antifa are anti-fascist in the same way that North Korea is a democratic republic. Besides, fascism is a left wing trait. Left wing politics invariably revolve around the state being the penultimate power and the overarching means of control of every aspect of everything within the state (including the people). Right wing politics revolve around a minimalist government. Fascism is communism but it’s more honest about it.


    2. wristaction 07/03/2020 at 5:18 pm

      This isn’t complicated. “antifa” takes it’s name and iconography from the latter incarnation of the German communist party. Long before there had been fascism or fascists, there was communist terrorism in Germany. The liberal Weimar government would declare the communist terrorist movement illegal under the name “Sparticist League”, so the communist terrorists would reform under the name “Red Front Fighters League” and so on like that. Eventually, in reaction to communist terrorism and the fecklessness of the Weimar government, patriotic workingmen took to the streets to directly confront communist terrorists. As a sort of whiny, DARVO maneuver, the communist terrorists adopted the label “Anti-fascist”, so as to effect the pretense that their terrorism was protection.

      There was never an honorable meaning for “antifa”. It has always and only been a euphemism for communist terrorism. The evil represented by “antifa” is the evil of communism. They don’t behave like fascists. They behave like bolsheviks. Bolsheviks, whose genocides were ongoing before fascism was a thing.

      Communists do not share the liberal notion that fascism is some fixed point of ultimate evil. They frame fascism as anything short of fully-realized communism, including latter stages of democratic socialism inasmuch as there are political coalitions who would hold the line at democratic socialism. This is why, with the Axis powers defeated, the Berlin Wall was erected and called “The Antifascist Protection Rampart”. The “fascists” were you, dear liberal. You, who helped Stalin defeat Hitler.

      The bolshevik terrorists who adopt the label “antifa” do not share your confusion about these things and so their feelings are not hurt when you call them “fascist”. They take it as a signal of your political naivete and concomitant harmlessness. That work were a person becomes awash in shame and self-reflection when a tendentious accusation of “fascism” or “crypto-fascism” is slung at them: that’s their tactic for cowing and controlling liberals. When liberals try to apply it to them, they laugh it off and proceed to throw a brick at you.

      Be smarter than this.


      1. Thanks for comment re. Germany.
        As Flynn notes in As We Go Marching, FDR thought highly of Hitler and Mussolini.

        Always thought Tom Rose of Grove City College had a good definition of fascism: college level socialism. That is if socialism is defined as govt. control of the economy, direct control/ownership is communism or high school level socialism. The indirect control by regulation/corporatism is fascism.

        Further in that socialism is all about equal results/outcome, it necessarily always leads to totalitarianism and violence. Vonnegut nailed it hard in Harrison Bergeron.

        These tools better figure they can make it to the very top when the revolution wins, because Stalin always purged the ranks. Nobody was safe, until he finally died.


      2. Augusto McCarthy 08/03/2020 at 2:09 am

        Great comment, dear fren.


    3. Exactly.

      The MO is to always accuse your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of, in aces and spades. Loudly and at length. It goes back at least to Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39) with the communists in the 20th century being the latest copycats before AF.

      Smear and jeer to create fear that anyone would stand up to the mob you have whipped up to a frenzy with all the usual slogans. Anybody they disagree with is categorically a “racist/sexist/bigot/homo-trans-islamophobe/anti semite/nazi/fascist/radical”. Free speech is for me and not for thee , you despicable hater.
      Or better yet, exercisingmy right to free speech means I can punch anybody in the nose I disagree with. How convenient.

      If our so called anti fascists are not a replay of Hitler’s Brownshirts, AF along with Black Lies Matter* here in the States is nothing but the salt and pepper version of Mao’s Red Guard. They are the goon squad for the powers that be/the Establishment and the hypocrisy is nothing short of amazing , when law enforcement won’t put up with the masks and flag pole clubs instead of inciting and allowing something like the Charlottesville ’17 fiasco.

      *Just as AF turns the word upside down and inside out, when 93% of the violent deaths in the black community is at the hand of black criminals, the white pigs are to blame. IOW BLM is not a white lie, but yet another big lie like AF.



  7. All I can say is…. Bravo!


  8. Franklin Verit 06/03/2020 at 11:27 pm

    This is cool and good.


  9. Rian McConnell 06/03/2020 at 11:38 pm

    Stop teasing girls give it to me


  10. Cibhleachain 07/03/2020 at 2:03 am

    God save Ireland.


  11. Oh my GOD—this should be amazing.


  12. Douglas Campbell 07/03/2020 at 6:43 am

    I’ve always been amused by leftists who accuse those on the right of being fascist — when the word “fascist” means a policy of having the government control property — a necessity under both socialism and communism. Rightists, on the other hand, want LESS government, a position antithetical to fascism. So the “antifascists” aren’t fighting against fascism, they are fighting FOR fascism.

    I suggest you start by releasing the data you’ve got on the most powerful fascists you found, because if you go the other way, you may find yourselves physically harmed long before the top of the list is reached. That’s how “antifascists” work.


    1. Bob of Bonsall 07/03/2020 at 7:46 pm

      Well said.
      As someone who, as a conservative minded person, is placed on the Right wing of politics, I have serious trouble equating the values I believe in with Fascism.

      I abhor any form of totalitarianism.
      I dislike excessive Government interference in the private lives of the People.
      I feel very strongly that the People should have the right and freedom to express their opinions, including the criticism of opinions one might disagree with.
      Except for the minimum taxation required for governing the country, people should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their labours.
      People, as individuals, have the responsibility to look after themselves, their families and, by their own efforts, assist those less fortunate without waiting for the Government, that elusive THEY, to do something about it.

      In other words my opinions and wishes are the very antithesis of not only Fascism, but of Marxism/Communism too.


      1. Amen! A pox on the houses of both Fascism and Communism!


  13. Lol the fianna fail leftist antifa. You people are losing the plot. Great the right in Ireland are so pathetic 🙂


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:34 pm

      Whatever you say, fascist.


  14. Good work! The “anti-fascists” are simply another form of statist authoritarianism they proclaim to reject.


  15. This country has needed a proper conservative party for years – one that embraces the concept of personal responsibility, social cohesion and one that will make Ireland a cold house for the NGOs which in my opinion are primarily responsible for spreading a latter day global Marxist agenda. We’re become a nation of dependents and that my friends is what the left want:- helplessness!!!


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:35 pm


      But I disagree on needing a conservative party.

      You all merely need to look to the past and your real history of self-sufficiency.


  16. Chris O'Reagan 07/03/2020 at 10:07 am

    Éire has always in a constant state of tribal violence, even after the British conquest.

    As unfortunate as it is, the “civilised” Irishmen are going to have to suffer until they realize that they will have to fight back. And they should not feel ashamed for defending themselves. Their Celtic ancestors would have already struck these Antifa left wing extremists with their swords.

    Ireland is very dear to me. The people, the history, and the beauty are unparalleled.

    The USA derived the majority of its constitutional ideas from the sufferings of the Celtic people. Be proud. You are responsible for so much good in the world because you did not accept allow for your hearts to be conquered.

    I’m just trying to say this. Be civil if you can help it. But when you have no other choice, fight back. Because only you can save yourself.

    Bí cróga, cosantóirí na saoirse.


  17. Mussolini (an ex-communist) would be so proud of the neo-fascists who essentially are the anti-fascists of today, these are merely the well funded tools of the state and foreign oligarchs. But because they “are good” then any sort of suppression or violence is ok


  18. Patricia Sarsfield 07/03/2020 at 10:54 am

    Good point.


  19. good to see the toxic antifa caught out at their own games


  20. Thank you for doing this. There have been too many people harassed, physically assaulted, and doxxed by them. They claim to be anti-fascists and then demonstrate fascism in their own intolerance of others’ beliefs and their willingness to harm them in response to that dissent. They cast a shadow that stretches around the world and your bravery and ingenuity in investigating them could help to lessen their influence and exploitation of positions of power. I look forward to reading the further releases you make. — And, thank you for doing this work. It’s a welcome reminder of what journalism is *supposed* to be, but sadly, what too many organizations have left far behind.


  21. Derek Sharkey 07/03/2020 at 12:48 pm

    Start at the top,Mickey,d, if there is anything there.


  22. Thank you for striking a blow for freedom against the fascist thugs. we are no longer buying the branding. Fascists are as fascists do.


  23. Stephen Comerford 07/03/2020 at 3:08 pm

    We’ll see. I’m sure they (the totalitarians – or TOTALS as I shall call them from now on) will do their best to censor and to shut you down. We are living in an era of more and deeper repression of the formally free(ish) Western civilization.


  24. Bob of Bonsall 07/03/2020 at 7:52 pm

    Whilst an Italian Socialist, I don’t think Mussolini was ever really a Communist.
    Sadly, the waters have become muddied to a large extent because Marxism has now become the default definition of Socialism whilst, in truth, it is merely one form of the overall Socialist concept.


  25. Joe Shephard 08/03/2020 at 3:51 am

    I wonder how the leftist Antifa make sense of the fact that the same powerful corporations that they denounce also happen to be promoting the same ideas held dear by Antifa like open borders, abortion, secularism, gay marriage and multiculturalism. I also why the overwhelmingly white Antifa people never go and live within non-white neighborhoods.


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:39 pm

      They’re the biggest capitalists around. They’re complete frauds.


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:38 pm

      GFY ignoramus.


  26. […] from a reader, there’s an interesting project brewing in Ireland utilizing social media against AntiFa through setting up a ps… The wonderful thing about social media is that most utilize it to get what they want to hear, […]


  27. […] Along the lines of Project Veritas comes a promising new endeavor by right-of-center Irish students: […]


  28. This is why Jewish people are so dangerous. They try to control nations. They begin this process by weakening society, controlling media & finance. and, corrupting society. THEN, they work at making sure there’s no possibility to rebel against their authority.
    In this case, Jews needn’t create a Bolshevik-style government, or anything like that. Instead, you launch a smearing campaign. (such as, calling us “fascists”).
    It’s all so preposterous. Your tribe attempts to control entire nations. Yet, you set up organizations called “Antifa”.


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:55 pm

      It’s not Jewish people. Stop falling for white supremacist nonsense.

      It’s globalists from the very countries who created white supremacy and systemic racism through their imperialism.


  29. You right wing cuck fashies are so deluded lmao


    1. notimportant 13/06/2021 at 10:52 pm

      You pathetic no integrity having, no culture having “Antifa” lames are a skidmark on society.

      It’s literally not possible to be an Irish fascist.


  30. daniel oconnell 23/03/2020 at 8:15 pm

    The exposition of Irish Fascist filth. Enemies of our nation.


  31. […] Fascism. This was the starkest message from The Burkean’s unprecedented recent Irish Antifa Project, which was designed to infiltrate and expose self-styled Antifa networks in mainstream Irish […]


  32. […] Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter […]


  33. […] Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter […]


  34. […] Students Ireland hat sich auf seiner Twitter-Seite als Projekt der irischen konservativen […]


  35. I would like to know what criminal element is funding Antifa. A Garda friend told me they are deeply involved in the drugs trade. We know they are violent and have no moral compass so it is inevitable that they would be dealing drugs.


  36. Declan Bree 12/03/2021 at 1:41 pm

    All antifa are faggots whosit in their moms’ basements masturbating to kiddie porn.


  37. Declan Bree 12/03/2021 at 4:56 pm

    The few antifa terrorists I have met all wear womens’ underwear, so I suppose it’s some sort of badge.

    What can one expect from a bunch of terrorist pansy boys, who are so stupid they can’t chew gun and fart at the same time.


    1. The antifarts are retarded; that is why so many are Students Ireland members.


  38. […] te claimen om fascisme te definiëren. Dit was de grimmigste boodschap van het ongekende recente Ierse Antifa-project van The Burkean, dat was ontworpen om te infiltreren en zelfbenoemde Antifa-netwerken in de […]


  39. […] Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter […]


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