This evening in the Fingal County Council chamber, Councillor Patrick Quinlan of the National Party put in a motion to clarify how much of the waiting list for local social housing stock is actually made up of Irish people.

“To ask the Chief Executive to provide a report on Fingal County Councils Social Housing list to show the total number of people awaiting allocations and in receipt of social housing with a breakdown of nationality, citizenship status and foreign born applicants awaiting and in receipt of Social Housing Support from this Council.”

Item 9, Cllr. Quinlan’s motion to the local Chief Executive

Deaf Ears

Unfortunately for the residents of Fingal, the question was buried with a half-hearted answer that ignored the main part of the question (the breakdown of who is on the social housing waiting list).

The total number of applications on the housing waiting list is 14,465 as of the 21st of
August 2024. This figure includes Transfer Applicants, and Referrals from other Local
Allocations are made to eligible applicants in accordance with the Allocations Scheme
for Social Housing Support.

Paul Carroll, Director of Services, Housing & Community Development Department.

Shortly thereafter, the council discussed a motion about condemning “racism” and other woke talking points, which the other councillors spoke about at length.

An Open Secret

Irish housing policy has been marred by controversy for years, with widespread reports (constantly denied by the ruling bodies and media) that foreign nationals are given preferential treatment on housing wait-lists. The Burkean investigated this back in 2021.

Cllr. Quinlan’s continued questioning will hopefully shed some light on this soon. He has been long-active in helping Irish people get housing, even before his recent local election win earlier this year, and will be standing in the Dublin West general election race later this year.

Posted by The Burkean


  1. Ivaus@thetricolour 10/09/2024 at 18:18

    Heads buried in the sand

    There is nowhere in the world, not any other country in the world, on this planet earth, in history or at present in 2024, that gives housing away to foreign nationals instead of their own ethnic sovereign citizens.

    Neither does any country in the world today treat their own Native Population as second/third class citizens in preference to foreigners.

    ONLY IN THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND…a rogue traitorous shower
    of scumbags in government, THAT WAS NOT ELECTED TO GOVERN
    that had no mandate to do what it’s doing, that is against the IRISH CONSTITUTION AND THE IRISH NATION.

    The only similarity in terms of what’s happening would be a FOREIGN INVASION, A COLONISATION, A PLANTATION,
    UNCAPPED MIGRATION….all forced against the wishes of it’s people.

    This is not a 2030 plan by government…this is totally out of control, a disaster in the making, a destruction of Ireland and it’s future legacy.

    Call it what it is, don’t fu.k around,it’s chewing the fu.king face of the nay Sayers and those that are limited in expression by screaming racist.

    You can take a horse to the well, but you can’t make DONKEYS drink


  2. This is the kind of information that’s vital for the public to know, so that we can understand just how serious an issue this is. The poor and less well off are always the ones who have to fight for the crumbs at the table hopefully the County Council will soon contain mor, courageous people who will get this information and make it public. The important thing is that Irish people get Irish homes. It’s not rocket science.


  3. I feel a lot of people that live at home with Parents, feel they have no hope of getting a home on the housing list due to there being such a high demand. I was recently told with my income I could only afford a one bedroom apartment as a single person.


  4. Declan Cooney 15/09/2024 at 19:13

    The country is being FLOODED……………..and the people of Ireland voted and supported THE FLOOD…………The Jewish Midrash (commentary) written before Christ, explains the main reason why The Flood occured, as per Genesis, is because “men started to make contracts with other men to live together”. Now Ireland is been flooded with men, foreign men with wholly different mores and values than were the norm in Ireland up to 3 decades ago (Christian values and culture etc….) and it will continue ……knowing my country, the Irish will NOT fight back in the numbers and determination required to stop and reverse this colonisation and plantation of Eire………and there are some great men and women in Nationalist Ireland who battle hard (I love n respect them deeply)


  5. Declan Cooney 15/09/2024 at 19:15

    Ireland is being FLOODED……………..and the people of Ireland voted and supported THE FLOOD…………The Jewish Midrash (commentary) written before Christ, explains the main reason why The Flood occured, as per Genesis, is because “men started to make contracts with other men to live together”. Now Ireland is been flooded with men, foreign men with wholly different mores and values than were the norm in Ireland up to 3 decades ago (Christian values and culture etc….) and it will continue ……knowing my country, the Irish will NOT fight back in the numbers and determination required to stop and reverse this colonisation and plantation of Eire………and there are some great men and women in Nationalist Ireland who battle hard (I love n respect them deeply)…..


  6. Triggernometry 16/09/2024 at 01:02

    Ireland is a joke country a free for all, we live in a world where a would be potential president to be, is hunted down like a common criminal or live stock or an animal for prey. Not that, that is okay.

    This is no longer about freedom or ”freedom of speech” – this is where Ireland could end up, we have a lot of American companies here, and also all sorts working for them, they couldn’t be arsed to train up local Irish to even work for them , very few in fact.

    Doctors abroad being poached by OZ, Canada, Dubai, smart countries, who want better service!

    House prices at an all time high, it will get worse with rents too.

    Soon shrill politicians like Simon Harris will be calling for expensive eyewateringly lavish bullet proof Bmws because some politician got cowpat slung at her. By a disgruntled tax payer voter.

    Here is something Elon musk posted of ”x” formerly known as twitter, on youtube better than watching Oprah who is competing for viewings with her woke psycho paranoid anti ”white” nonsense.

    And even if this was happening to biden or harris, I would still have the same reaction – BTW.

    Freedom means everything. If you don’t use it, you simply lose it. So BE fashionable!

    Gutless mainly white male – Pricks!


  7. “knowing my country, the Irish will NOT fight back ”

    We have burnt more refugee centres than anywhere else in the world, barring Israel. Please do not be such a wet blanket demoraliser. You might get a bad reputation.

    No offence, but apart from doom posting, have you ever even lifted a finger or put yourself at risk in any way to stop the Immigration and start the REMIGRATION?

    Just asking…


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