Well done, Conor Gallagher! Once more the Irish Times’ number one investigative journalist dug up unsavoury details about our native Irish extreme right receiving development aid from foreign fascists. Only last week the artful sleuth brought to light shocking details about a mustachioed dago dragonman and ex-con giving our homegrown goons invaluable tactical advice. But the eagle-eyed mole spying on political misfits for our paper of record kept digging and on 2 August 2024 he spotted an even more terrible conspiracy: foreign Neo Nazis are instructing Irish right wing extremists in how to make posters!

What a ground breaking discovery! And his report is even accompanied by a photo showing one of those mentored posters. And what an eldritch accomplishment it is! The poster, for starters, is pure white in colour – a nasty and covert reference to White supremacy. And written on it is: “Protect our Women and Children”. Now, that is a slogan that only a Neo Nazi could come up with in its subtle sophistication. Look, who would have thought to capitalise the words “women” and “children”? Or was it a spelling mistake? And then the choice of possessive marker: “our”. Why not “all”? Or an item from the wonderful world of fabulous new pronouns we are now encouraged to use? Why not “them” or “their”?

No, the racist foreign neo Nazis told their Irish minions to use “our” because it is not inclusive. And they hate inclusivity and diversity and sustainability and equity and all the other wonderful truths spelled out by all those wonderful and worthy American college professors. Without the educational assistance of the Americans our own right-wing rabble would have only come up with a poster saying “Feck”, “Drink” or “Arse”. Probably not even a poster. Those lazy racists would not have bothered to get out of their manky armchairs. They would have just yelled some abuse and sunk back into their drunken stupor.

But the Irish Times master detective not only spotted and decoded the secret message of the incriminating poster. He also uncovered another name! And again it is a Yankie yahoo that mentors the Irish illiterates! This time it is not a fantastic beast like the dragonman last week but a certain Jon Minadeo – by the way, another fellow with a Mexican name, just like the dragonman Da Silva. Those American Neo Nazis are not even real Americans. But then again, Hitler, the Nazi killer supreme, was not a real German either, was he?

This Minadeo cove is much more cunning than Da Silva. First off, he does not have a silly moustache, which speaks for itself. Secondly, he has avoided jail so far, unlike moustachio-man. And thirdly, again unlike Da Silva, he has his own wikipedia article, so he knows how to attract attention. And when I read the text – like all wikipedia articles about right-wing scum it is very objectively written – I came across a scary detail, which I would like Conor Gallagher to notice as well, who during his time consuming and complicated research surely has no time to read Wikipedia…

Minadeo, the Neo Nazi poster boy, did not go to jail, fair enough, but he was fined for littering. What he did was, he threw loads and loads of Neo Nazi leaflets out of his car. Drive-by littering! But that is something that in the near future he would not get away with in Ireland. We will soon have those great hate speech laws and then the racist poster about “our women and children” will be confiscated and the Nazi leaflets will be shredded and the right-wing extremists will all go to Kilmainham and be summarily re-educated by Ireland’s Nazi hunter supreme, Conor Gallagher.

I am looking forward to Mr Gallagher’s future investigations. Our own Irish Simon Wiesenthal will probably discover that Hitler himself has taken up residence in a North Dublin bedsit, disguised as an International Protection Applicant, teaching evening classes for our right-wing ignoramuses.

Posted by Andreas Roth


  1. Have pity on poor Connor, he is only a well paid, low level scribbler to order. If he were to investigate a real story – like the mysterious boat fire that killed a Ban Garda in Carrick on Shannon – he would be killed. He is in a golden cage, and he knows that if he tries to escape, they will kill him.

    A pity. From the photo, he seems like a nice enough chap.

    Hey Connor, if you ever want to escape, we’ll help you: there is an Underground Railway for honest journalists….


  2. Michael J Sullivan 08/08/2024 at 9:30 pm

    You’re far too kind to a malignant halfwit like Gallagher lads. He doesn’t deserve yee.


  3. Ivaus@thetricolour 09/08/2024 at 6:03 pm

    I thought by now satirical award ceremonies would be at least an annual event held in Europe,all those scribes suffering from writers block or
    constipation,or in Irish journaliers case the loose bowel runny leg gift .

    Just like Eurovision,Ireland is guaranteed to win multiple times with their blank papers,empty screens and invisible ink entries,on the other
    hand when they do manage to produce content…it’s full of shit.

    Let’s have regular,monthly,be it weekly articles dedicated to naming and
    shaming all those useless oxygen thieves and their destruction of a Nation


  4. Conor was at it again this morning on RTE: Yak, yak, yak about yanks who are against migration to Ireland. Never a word about the four anti-migration Councillors elected in Dublin. Why not?

    For fun, legal and mostly safe ways to encourage REMIGRATION, check out Martin Sellner’s page in English.


  5. A friend was chatting recently with a libtard woman of his acquaintance (she’s rather attractive). On the subject of recent elections in various European countries, she remarked that there were “lots of fascists” being elected. My friend responded with “what’s a fascist?” & this woman, very likely an IT-reading type, wasn’t able to answer. “Ehhh, that’s a good question” she said.
    That’s who the bould Gallagher is writing for.


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