All posts by Ciarán Fagan

TCDSU Gears Up for Another Year of Activism

As the coming year approaches and the next set of Trinity Student Union officers dream up their big, world-changing ideas, which bare absolutely no relation to the University or its students, it seems like a good time to look back...

/ 21/08/2019

A Look at the 2020 Democratic Primaries

Biden vs. Bernie: All of the major 2020 Democratic candidates for president of the United States have formally launched their campaigns. It is an extremely diverse field. We have an octogenarian socialist who owns three houses, terrorist sympathizers, and a...

/ 12/05/2019

It’s Time to Disaffiliate From the USI

At the beginning of each year students across Ireland pay their college and university fees. Incorporated into these lump sums is the standardised €8 membership fee for the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). This organisation purports to represent 374,000...

/ 01/03/2019