Nothing encapsulates the regime change that occurred in the Irish hierarchy during the 20th century more than the transfer of the Galway bishopric from Michael Browne to Eamonn Casey in 1976. The parishioners of Galway had to say goodbye to the good shepherd that was Bishop Browne; what they had to welcome in return was the wolf in sheep’s clothing that was Eamonn Casey. 

As history is written by the victors, all historical accounts of Browne are polluted with the godless anti-Catholic bigotry of their writers. Through their distorted worldview, they thought power and control was what motivated Browne to use his shepherd’s crozier to frighten the wolves away from his flock. What really motivated Browne was the salvation of his parishioners’ souls. He foresaw the eternal punishment that would await his flock if these subversive influences in society were tolerated. His battle to fight off the wolves was waged throughout his 39 year reign. The place where he didn’t think he’d find a wolf was in his successor, Eamonn Casey. 

Eamonn Casey was the archetypal modernist cleric of the late 20th century. He was praised by the godless media class for being indifferent towards Church doctrine, while he lived a depraved life in secrecy. Unlike Browne, Casey’s focus was entirely on the gratification of earthly desires, be it lust, pride, or glory. Many naïve parishioners were seduced by his smile and wit. 

What lay behind this facade was a wolf in sheep’s clothing who was instrumental in destroying Church teaching and scandalising not only the Galway parishioners, but the people of Ireland at large. To understand this regime change fully, and by extension identifying the fruits of modernism, we first need to look into these two monumental characters in 20th century Irish history in more detail.

Bishop Browne: Ultramontanist Ireland’s last stand 

Paul Cullen started the Ultramontanist crusade in Ireland in 1850, while one could argue that Ultramontanism ended with the retirement of Bishop Browne from his Galway bishopric in 1976. When historians look at Irish Catholicism in the 20th century, many skim over Browne and focus on his fellow Ultramontanist crusader John Charles McQuaid, who presided in Dublin. This is a simple mistake to make, although it isn’t surprising considering many historians have a metropolitan slant.

To understand Browne, we must understand how his Ultramontanist identity shaped his demeanour. Irish Ultramontanism consisted of placing strong emphasis on the encyclicals of the Roman Pontiff and their authority as vicar of Christ. Just like they, the Irish hierarchy, were the shepherd of their parishioners, the Pope was the shepherd of them. They saw obedience to superiors in the Church hierarchy as essential if they ever were to fight off the godless forces of liberalism, Marxism, and the new pagan resurgence that was fascism. 

Ultramontanism can be seen as a completion of the Tridentine spirit. Browne’s Counter-Reformation zeal can be seen in his avid support of the Fethard-on-Sea boycott of a Protestant shop. This boycott was caused by a Protestant mother breaking her oath to raise her child as a Catholic (as Ne Temere was in force), fleeing the town, and denying the father any chance of seeing his child.

Many subordinates to Ireland’s Ultramontanists clerics may have felt that they were expected to be too submissive towards them. What they may not have realised was that these clerics were voluntarily more submissive to Rome, even following decrees from Rome after Vatical II they previously deemed heretical. 

Browne’s stand against Marxist subversion

Browne’s career lasted an astonishing 40 years, all through the tribulations of Vatican II, the modernist conquest of the Church, the 1960s sexual revolution, and the rise of mass media in Ireland that began with the advent of RTÉ in 1960. 

All of these afflictions happened all at once and were of deep worry to Browne, but before this infamous decade, Browne had to contend with the subversive foreign influences emanating from Hollywood and Moscow that generally started from the 1920s onwards. 

Browne was a respected arbiter in industrial disputes, he resolved a workers strike in 1948 which resulted in the workers getting a pay rise. Even before his consecration as a bishop, Browne was involved in getting the Labour Party to remove the ‘The Workers’ Republic’ clause from their constitution. Thus, ensuring that the Labour Party couldn’t be used as a fifth column for socialist subversives, not officially anyway. Browne was probably one of the leading anti-communists of Ireland throughout his reign. He always made sure to keep a record of people suspected of having communist sympathies. 

Even after Pope John XXIII released his infamous papal encyclical Pacem in terries in 1963, where Pope John stated that while the Church still condemned Communism, there was still “good and commendable elements’ to communist ideology”, and considering Browne’s Ultramontanist predisposition, his anti-communist activism didn’t stop. This lukewarm rhetoric from Rome affected the rest of the Irish hierarchy though. Michael O’Riordan, the Communist Party leader of Ireland, was invited to speak at Maynooth seminary in 1970. 

Although Browne’s anti-communist preoccupation did subside to an extent after the encyclical, a testament of his fervour compared to the rest of the hierarchy can be summed up in a layman’s account written in The Kerryman at the time. This layman stated that clerics were asleep while communists were taking over the country, except Browne who was “on the ball”. Having hindsight about Gramsci’s ‘slow march through the institutions’ and the Fatima prophecy that the ‘errors’ of Russia would be spread throughout the world unless Russia was consecrated to Mary’s Immaculate Heart, this layman seemed to have been ‘on the ball’ himself.

Protecting the flock from moral subversion

Like many others in the Irish hierarchy at the time, Browne noticed the subversive influences emanating out of America. From the 1920s onwards, Hollywood and the salacious ‘dance crazes’ swept across the land of saints and scholars, that mainly ensnared the young in its grip. This ‘rage for pleasure’ culminated in the gradual normalisation of debauchery in Irish society. Along with this came the normalisation of immodesty; the RTÉ footage linked below shows a woman remarking that around her town of Tralee she sees ‘plenty of people wearing mini-skirts’. 

 A good insight to the extent of this demoralisation can be seen in a RTÉ archival footage of the local population of Tralee being interviewed in 1967, when the infamous playboy actor Jane Mansfield, the ‘goddess of lust’, as the Dean of Kerry called her, visited the town for a show. The opinions range from lukewarm disapproval to confident approval, and this is in a decade that we are told that Catholic feeling ruled supreme. The show featuring Jane Mansfield was eventually cancelled but the reason for its cancellation was less to do with the moral subversion it would bring and more to do with the controversy it caused.

American influences brought to Ireland the infamous dance halls, which was the beginning of the trend we are all well aware of now in the current year, where wicked men prey on naïve girls and trick them into agreeing for more than just an ‘innocent drink or a drive in the car’. This sort of immorality, as it always does, led to the ballooning in the numbers of unmarried mothers, which cost the state around £450,000 (adjusted to today’s GDP) a year. Not only did Catholic charitable institutions in England complain to Browne about the alarming increase in numbers, it was also not uncommon for these mothers to hand them over to non-Catholic institutions, which would’ve led to the child being brought up as Protestants.

In 1939, Browne curbed the excesses of these dance halls by lobbying to prohibit dance halls on Saturdays (as ‘such functions seriously interfered with the fulfilment of the obligation of Sunday Mass’), increased supervision, and limited the dance halls ability to stay open past midnight. These set of rules inevitably fell apart after the modernism produced by Vatican II caused Browne to somewhat back down on his condemnation of the potential vice created by these dance halls. The doors eventually fell off its hinges, when in 1968, District Justice Seán Delap, without consulting Browne, gave out licenses for dance halls to be open during Lent and to remain open until 2am.

Another worry for Browne was the profligate state the Galway races descended into. After the Galway races of 1943, letters of complaint started appearing in the Dublin newspapers denouncing the races as worse than what could be seen ‘East of Suez, where there ain’t no Ten Commandments’. 

This combination of large-scale public intoxication, gambling, sexual license, general rowdyism into the early hours of the morning caused public uproar. Browne, with the help of the Knights of Columbanus, successfully stopped the ‘pagan revelry’ by lobbying the government and local businesses to tighten up with their regulations. Their clean-up was already hailed as a success as early as 1946.

Bishop Casey: Ireland’s inauguration to modernism 

Casey started his career as a Limerick priest, where he was marked out by some priests for his modernism and informality; later on in his career he urged people to drop the customary title of ‘my Lord’ and to just call him ‘Bishop’ instead. 

From the beginning, Casey never wanted to be the shepherd of the flock, he was much more concerned about been liked by everyone around him. He must have skipped over the Epistle of James where it states that ‘whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God’. Later on in his career as bishop of Kerry and later Bishop of Galway, many noticed his taste for the high life; he drove around in either a Mercedes or BMW, befriended notable figures in the media class like Gay Byrne, and had a fondness for fine dining and foreign travel. 

Throughout his career he had a lukewarm attitude about his role as a leader in the Church militant. Unlike Browne who saw it as his mission to protect his flock from the temptations of Satan, Casey generally followed what was trendy and approved by our ruling class at the time. He was a vocal supporter of the Dunnes Stores workers who were locked out for refusing to sell goods made in the then apartheid South Africa. 

He also took issue with America’s foreign policy, going as far as to refuse to meet Reagan when he visited his diocese of Galway in 1984. Although these are all noble causes to fight for, these causes garnered social approval along with them. He would never have dared to fight for some Christian principle that was socially unacceptable. Browne, in contrast, did that numerous times throughout his career, as I’ve shown above.

The Annie Murphy affair

Casey was originally the bishop of Kerry until he transferred over to Galway to succeed Browne in 1976. Before his move to Galway he was alleged to be sexually abusing children during the ‘50s and ‘60s, his niece, Patricia Donovan, being one of them. This secret life remained hidden, until in 1992 when Annie Murphy wrote a book, cleverly titled Forbidden Fruit, about her affair with him. This was around the time when our ruling class orchestrated an unrelenting attack on Ireland’s Catholic faith. 

Although the stories about these depraved priests were legitimate, they were used as a battering ram to attack the Church. Research data shows that the probability of abuse is the same in the Church as it is in secular institutions, even The Guardian acknowledged this truth. When abuse happens in Christian organisations, the organisations Christian ethos is blamed, when the same abuse happens in secular institutions, men are blamed for their supposedly intrinsic abusive demeanour. So when it comes down to it, either the Church or men are blamed when abuse happens – how convenient.

What’s revealing about this scandal is that Casey was initially adored by the media class and modernist Catholics. The only people that didn’t like him were the traditional Catholics who felt demoralised knowing that this worldly prelate was assigned by the Pope to be their shepherd. The opinions of modernists and the media class towards Casey can be seen in the Gay Byrne interview of Annie Murphy

One YouTube commenter aptly described the interview as ‘the biggest ambush since Béal na Bláth’. Both the modernist Catholics in the audience and Gay Byrne, who is a good representation of the sentiments felt in the media class, were in complete denial about it being a scandal. 

The audience, with the help of Gay Byrne, started nit-picking different details in the book as a means to cast doubt over what happened to Annie. It also seems as if Annie felt pressurised by the audience, and by Gay himself, to sing the praises of Casey so their fantasy of what he was like wouldn’t disappear. Even though Casey at the time of this interview admitted that the child was his, Gay and that one lady in the audience still tried to cast doubt over this fact. The unscrupulous character of Gay comes out in the end when he tries to get Annie to agree that ‘if [her] son is half as good a man as his father, he won’t be doing too badly’. 

Another clip from the RTÉ archive shows what the people of Galway thought about the scandal when it broke. One lady on the street was in complete denial and asserted that Casey was a ‘good man’ and that Annie ‘destroyed this man’, while a younger lady disapproved of how Casey handled the situation. A lady who worked with him described the incident as a ‘mistake’, and ‘the only wrong thing he did was love a woman’. 

An example of how the clerics felt during that time can be seen in the modernist priest at the end who advocated for ‘welcoming him back totally’. Another clip here shows the exact same lukewarm and indifferent attitude towards the situation. None of them pointed out the injustice of him breaking his vow of celibacy to God, deserting Annie and his child, and then trying to cover up the whole thing.

The moral of the story of this tale of two bishops

Many historians skip over the fact that Casey was initially adored by modernist Catholics and the media class for his lukewarm Christian predisposition. What Ireland should have realised, when all the modernist priests – whom they adored for their indifference towards sin – were revealed to be pederasts, was that modernism was the cause. Was it really a coincidence that almost every single perverted priest was a modernist?

None of the Ultramontanist clerics that preceded them, like McQuaid and Browne, were ever involved in the sexual abuse of children. The love and the fear that these clerics had for God made sure that they thought twice about diverging from the moral law. They knew that Heaven was only the final destination for a few obedient followers of God and that the fire and brimstone in Hell would torture their soul for all eternity if they disobeyed. McQuaid for example, queried the nurse on his deathbed about whether or not he’d make it to heaven, even after living the noble life he lived. 

Casey on the other hand probably held the modernist position that everyone just goes to heaven, except maybe a handful of evil racists or mass murderers. This sort of mindset of course would lead him to the conclusion that there are only earthly consequences to his earthly actions.

The sexual abuse in the Church, as I’ve pointed out earlier, was similar in frequency to other institutions, but the Church should be placed at a higher standard for they are our shepherds. If the hierarchy is no different than the rest of the world, how are we supposed to convince non-Christians that the Church is the one true Church? 

The link between modernism and sexual abuse is undeniable, it is no coincidence that the abuse happened when the Vatican II spirit reigned triumphantly in the Church. We should have realised that modernism was a failed experiment. What ended up happening, as we are all well aware, was that the revolutionaries in our media class blamed the abuse on the fact that the Church just had too much power, apparently. 

A secondary propaganda point they disseminated was that priests are hypocrites for saying one thing and doing the complete opposite, and then from that it somehow proves that living a Christian life is impossible and we should all just stop trying to control our vices. Being happy and nice was all you needed to do for these modernists, except when it comes to the supposed racists and sexists the media class doesn’t like, then being nice to them was the last thing you should do. We can see the consequence of this double standard when you ask these nice people what they think of Trump and Brexit.

What should have been their Achilles heel (as the media class fully endorsed modernists like Casey), was turned into one of their greatest weapons in attacking the Church. It’s amazing what one can achieve if you control the media. They went from promoting modernist priests as the ideal to denouncing clerics altogether; the public seemed to be too naïve to understand what was happening. 

Maybe the public liked that they were now in a coalition of sinners, with the media class, against the moral law. Pederast priests are no more, what we have left in the hierarchy are the effeminate and the lukewarm. Time will tell if young zealous traditionalist clerics will take their place and restore the Church to its rightful place in society;.

Posted by Seán Joseph


  1. Pity we didnt try as hard to remove this 2nd occupying country and force from our shores as we did the British.


  2. Sean Joseph,

    if you regard yourself as an irish nationalist? Then why would you imply that a foreign state, the vatican, and its exoteric head, the historical papacy, should be Irelands de facto RULERS and SHEPHERDS regarding spirituality, morals and societal ideology?

    Rome appointed irish male celibates, the BISHOPS and PRIESTS to be the shepherds of the flock? the guardians of morality and all what they view as decent? NO THANK YOU sean. A flock is made up of sheep, i would find it insulting to be referred to as a sheep in a flock. I am a human being not a sheep.

    I also will not accept the guidance of male and female celibates (priests, bishops, nuns) regarding their views on what women should be wearing. I say they should get a life.

    Oh there is a lady over there in a mini-skirt, heaven forbid the woman shows a bit of thighs, send her off to the magdalene laundries to become a slave for non-pious behaviour? No thanks! I’ll enjoy the view of the mini-skirt and the long legs.

    I like women, i enjoy their beautiful aesthethics, i can not enjoy the aesthetical beauty of a woman if she is dressed as a nun all covered up, or dressed as some victorian prude with a dress down to the ankles, not my cup of tea. Thats not to say that i do not appreciate some modesty, i do.

    Oh an irish woman is pregnant out of wedlock, call the vatican moral police and send her off to the nuns, like in the historical TUAM where they were grabbing children out of their mothers arms and sending them off for adoption abroad? No thanks!

    If a nation can not protect its women and children, then there is something seriously wrong, the church failed miserably in that regard in an irish historical context.

    The criticism is valid.

    I find it a bit tedious to think how common people disgruntled with the way catholicism is heading can somehow change the constantly evolving and changing ideology of a GIGANTIC globalist institution (the vatican church) to suit their own tastes. Seems like a complete waste of time, as the vatican is only going one way, and its not stopping.

    Irelands priests and bishops ultimately answer to rome. Have you ever watched father ted? The old bishop coming back from his trip to rome to lay down the law to the lower ranking men of the cloth? Non compliant priests may think they are being edgy, but they still have the boss in rome and are seriously outnumbered as the majority have strict adherence to the views being pushed.

    Catholicism is a globalist institution.

    Look at the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”, it describes itself as a pro-capitalist (MORE LIKE PRO-COMMUNIST) organization whose goals are creating more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that addresses the needs of the people and the planet.

    Lynn forester de rothschild quote – This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to ‘the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor’ and answer society’s demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth.

    Cry of the poor? laughable, the RCC is one of the worlds wealthiest institutions. Pass the basket in mass? out with the silver and gold? Cry of the poor? HAHA.

    SUSTAINBLE GOALS AGENDA 2030 written all over it. Mass immigration and climate change agenda all in one. Francis has been a very busy little globalist and you can guarantee his replacement will be even more globalist.

    Do you want Ireland to be a vassal state of rome? is that it sean? Well if you do, you need not worry, because ireland is already a vassal state of the EU, and the EU itself and the whole ideology around it, is based on “Renovatio imperii Romanorum” it is the political philosophy of a supra-national rule over EUROPE, a form of Imperium Christianum, whose roots begin with the political power of the Papacy and the historical influence of christianity that is conducive to European integration and unity.

    European christian states have ran into the communist cage that is the EU, because through christianity they felt a unity. Christianity is a globalist religon.

    Meanwhile old francis is telling european nations to be the good christians and accept mass-immigration.

    Thats your catholicism for you, look at how poland is being bullied about? Will the vatican say anything? NOPE!

    Will all the catholic churches in Ireland break away from vatican CONTROL? Nope!It is never going to happen! Think realistically.

    FROM THE ARTICLE – The sexual abuse in the Church, as I’ve pointed out earlier, was similar in frequency to other institutions, but the Church should be placed at a higher standard for they are our shepherds.

    What other institutions?

    What other institutions systematically moved around known predators through different communities on the same scale as the roman catholic church? where the predators then went on to cause more sinister crimes?

    What other institutions sgrabbed babies out of irish mothers arms and sent them off to foreigners abroad?

    And no sean, the church should not be placed at a higher standard, they should not be above the law. It is the above the law shit that allowed them to get away with horrible crimes.

    I can not symphatise with your views on the RCC.


    Using the RCC to promote nationalism is not going to be something that common ireland and its electorate will accept, from the looks of it ,nationalism needs to broaden and incorporate critical voices of the church too.

    Dictating to them by calling them heathens, heretics, pagans etc is not very nice.

    Many good nationalists don’t care about the church! Many see it as being an obstacle to the growth of nationalism.

    Accept the mass-immigration they say?

    Say no, and they tell you that you are not being very christian, meanwhile francis just undermines what a nationalist would say anyway regarding mass-immigration and their views on it.


    1. Well, there’s a lot of content in this rebuttal, you seem to defend a lot of the policies our regime has implemented to control us. A main historical one being the destruction of Christianity with a focus on the Church and another major one being their promotion of societal degeneracy (you defend our current immodest attire and sexual morals). With these two policies implemented in society, how are we going to rebuild a healthy society capable of overthrowing our regime? If people like yourself are too distracted by a woman’s “mini skirt and long legs”, how are people going to find the intellectual space in their life to delve into the true order and design of our regime?

      Also, can we not go beyond this lumpenproletariat talking points of “Catholic Church = globalist = bad” (would I be right in saying you’re a Protestant?), along with all these caps locks words you dot around the place.


      1. @sean joseph

        Sean Joseph Said: A main historical one being the destruction of Christianity with a focus on the Church and another major one being their promotion of societal degeneracy (you defend our current immodest attire and sexual morals).

        So women dressing in how they want is socially degeneracy? You sound like the taliban sean. Ok, perhaps you should convert to islam, since a lot of that ideology is based around covering up women like a nun, the hijab etc. You like middle-eastern religon like christianity and islam, thats fine believe what you want. And lol at immodest attire and sexual morals. Look at the corruption and coverups in the RCC church? Don’t be hypocritical now.

        Btw, there is no destruction of christianity in ireland, it has protected status as a religon. Perhaps look at your own pope and his LGBT award and the way it aligns itself with globalism? Do keep up sean, you can not change it, as you are just a sheep in the flock like you imply.

        Sean Joseph Said: how are we going to rebuild a healthy society


        Rebuild what? A vatican vassal state controlled by rome? No thank you. It is christianity which has lead to ireland being where it is now. Since you are such a devout catholic? perhaps you should follow your pope and welcome mass-immigration? For consistency sake, at least follow your leader and stop pretending that the RCC is not hard left politically, and its more than just religon, its political too, it always has been and the RCC has always been hard left politically in the 20th century.

        Sean Joseph said: can we not go beyond this lumpenproletariat talking points of “Catholic Church = globalist = bad” (would I be right in saying you’re a Protestant?


        Trying to censor critical thoughts are you?

        Protestant? I’m not christian or muslim or a believer in any other monotheist globalist religon based systems of thought.

        I have quoted Nietzsche previously on christianity.

        If you looked at my previous posts you would see that i am polytheist in nature. I believe in no sol-invictus cult like roman christianity. I do not believe that jesus is a historical character. Christianity is based on solar worship. You are not very well researched on the occult sean. You view christianity in an exoteric sense, without paying attention to the occultic nature of it.

        Call me christian terms like heretic, heathen, pagan etc? I’m no sheep in a christian flock, nor am i heavily latinised or vaticanised in thought like you are sean.

        Btw sean, christianity itself from a theological perspective is based on paganism. LOok at the saints and festivals around it, but i don’t expect an ignoramus like you to understand that.

        Also sean, i find the way that you imply that the church should be above the law is rather deplorable to be honest. But whatever floats your boat. I do not for a second see you as an irish nationalist as you are vaticanised and latinised, not gaelic in thought, thats my opinion and i dn’t care what others think of it.


        1. Sean Joseph 10/09/2021 at 3:58 pm

          Well our birth rate is below replacement levels for the past 30 years. Shouldn’t a true nationalist see this as a problem and want to counteract it. If the Irish maintain their view on sexual morals, as you have staunchly defended in your comment, the Irish race will go extinct. If someone like Nietzsche, who you admire, was alive today, he would agree with me on the degenerate state of society. Is he a prude, who likes telling women what to wear?

          You call yourself a pagan and hate Christianity, but yet you describe Christianity as having its origins in paganism and Sun worshipping. Wouldn’t that be a good thing in your books, why would you hate Christianity then if it’s so like paganism?

          If you feel so strongly about these issues, why don’t you submit an article to us?


          1. @Sean Joseph

            I know you and Maolsheachlann care about ireland and some of your thinking i do regard as nationalism. I think its ok to disagree on many things. My critique is more towards the metaphorical RCC bulwark that both of you like to present sometimes when criticising irish society. I also just do not like when people sometimes say that the RCC should be treated differently regarding societal laws just because they are seen as being religious and have given irish people education, hospitals etc. You know the story.

            I think corruption should not be seen differently just because it is RCC corruption.

            You are right about the birth rate being below replacement levels. Irish are destined to become a minority in their own country the way things are going. I agree with you on that.

            But there can be lots of arguments around it. I would believe you correct to imply that a turn away from traditional irish catholic family values in a way does reduce the birth rates, the horseshit that women are told that they can find happyness in the work place and have fulfilling careers? instead of being a traditional mother that looks after her husband and children, the way nature has intended etc? may be viewed as liberating for the females, but then why has nature designed the female biological system to have ovaries?

            I think that the low birth rates is not so much about catholic traditional family values not being popular anymore, but rather the systematic sustained opposition to traditional, conservative indigenous european men, in being able to generate the financial capability to start a family and being able to own private property and being the MASTER of the household and their land, and having free speech too regarding their nations political direction.

            Its all by design, the massive house prices, huge rents, the low wages, the brainwashing of society into thinking that 30 to 40 year mortgages are normal, 700 to 1500 euro a month rent is normal etc.

            Of course, mass-abortion on demand too plays a part, catholic institutions in ireland opposed it, but again do not forget that it was catholic politicans who implemented the legislation of abortion on-demand.

            Why was there not excommunication from the RCC for going against religious ethos?

            However, i can also point to clerical celibacy too being a contributing factor historically to low birth rates.

            Celibate male priests and celibate female nuns do not generally ever have families. I could easily say; that the concept of clerical celibacy also reduces birth rates among irish people. Do not forget that there are/were literally thousands of irish celibate christian priests and nuns at any given time all throughout ireland in both the 20th and even now in the 21st century, and even further back too. I can also say that clerical celibacy, and the idea that a man who wants to be close to a male figure; such as the jesus christ IDOL instead of wanting to be close to a woman and create a family has reduced birth rates among irish.

            Clerical celibacy i can argue is vatican imposed ideology that reduces birth rates among irish men and women.

            The vatican really is a glass house, when you combine it with notions of nationalism in my opinion. It is like a house of cards that constantly keeps falling down.

            Also why would a man want to be close to a male described figure such as jesus over a woman? What can that be described as? And why does the RCC attract males that think in such ways? You know nature itself designed man and woman to come together, its a fact of biology. You know, to go against natural biology is a dangerous thing. Nature itself is ALL powerful. Man is an insect compared to the power of nature.

            Also please do not act as if i agree with the way irish society is heading with the drunken behaviour and promiscuity by the women and indeed men too of modern ireland, just because i like womens long legs being shown off every now and then, please lighten up man. I have actually posted about my concerns regarding alcoholism in irish society and the zombie like degeneracy of towns and cities under alcoholic party and promiscuous culture previously.

            Not every woman showing their flesh is promiscuous though or engages in alcoholism, to say they all are, and that they need to be more modest would be ignorant. I value women, i like how they express themselves. Even if i don’t agree with them all the time, or agree with how they dress all the time.

            I also firmly believe that a man should be leader of the family. I believe in traditional male roles and strong patriarchy, but i believe in female independence too in many ways.

            I just do not like the idea of another person especially a celibate male or female under vatican ideology to be the MORAL-POLICE and to dictate to women how they should dress, it is in my opinion a dangerous line of thinking and it creates suppression of the female spirit.

            Metaphorically speaking, a lion does not oppress the freedom of its females, it gives them a bit of independence, and the lioness is all the more fiercer and independent, all admirable qualities for a woman to have in my opinion. Women in ancient Ireland enjoyed numerous freedoms under the BREHON LAW system, this type of law system is also seen in many pre-christian european tribes, women were definetly appreciated.

            See where i said that i do appreciate modesty; well i also appreciate women who can show their beauty aswell, and if they want to show that beauty by dressing in appealing ways to men, then they have every right to dress in the way they want, in attempts to attract a male partner or husband of their choosing.

            Do you seriously think that modern irish women are ever going to listen to ideology regarding catholic views on dress codes from mid 20th century ireland? They would laugh at it, and i believe it actually would be alienating such women from feeling favourably inclined towards nationalist ideology; that is rising more and more as right-wing political think is getting more popular.

            I know you are concerned about ireland, and the way its going, i know that you care. It is just in my own opinion i don’t like latinization and vatizanisation of irish nationalist THINK, and i don’t agree that the church should be above the law, or should be having absolute power over irish society.

            I don’t like the concept of vassal states, ireland is already a vassal state under EU tyranny communism.

            But they are my opinions. Anyone is free to ignore them, and i know most already do.

            Did you ever watch the irish film “The Field? See in that film where Bull McCabe and his followers were locked out of the church? Bull and his followers then reacted by saying; that the church gates too were locked during the time irish starved.

            See, i don’t like the holier than thou attitude of the church, the hypocrisy and the preaching regarding bossing people around in ireland from a historical context.

            Ask yourself where exactly were the ships bringing FOOD into ireland during the time irish people were being genocided by the british establishment? Where were the catholic nations and their ships bringing in food systematically? Where were the catholic nations troops standing up for fellow catholic irish when the batons were used by the redcoats when they were robbing all the food produce for their monstrous empire?

            I don’t understand such loyalty to the RCC and all the vaticanization in Ireland.

            I Like the principles of independent type sovereign nations that control their own destiny.

            I don’t like outside control over how irish people think, i also don’t like irish people being TOLD how to think by outside forces. Irish people can think for themselves. Irish people have been historically robbed from their their rightful place to direct the destiny of ireland. Too much outside influences, too much colonisation of the psyche.

            The globalists in the oireachtas don’t think for a healthy future for ireland. They just follow orders, but are they even irish anyway? they bow to foreign flags like the EU flag.

            Sean said: If someone like Nietzsche, who you admire, was alive today, he would agree with me on the degenerate state of society.

            Nietzsche would blame it on christianity though, this line of thinking he is famous for. He blamed christianity for pretty much everything regarding what he percieved as degeneracy in europe. If you study his brand of philosophy thoroughly, (you would need to understand some deutsch to fully comprehend it) then you would understand that he viewed christianity as a weak ideology that teaches PITY, and he preached that PITY creates weakness and that such weakness begets more weakness and so on, so on.

            You should realise that a lot of irish politicans are actually heavily christianised in thinking, and that they are all for bringing for mass-immigration because they pity the third world. Import the third world, become the third world and have their problems. Their religon teaches PITY.

            This is what Nietzsche believed christianity teaches. Nietzsche views the nazarene character as being a weakling that promotes weakness.


            Sean said: You call yourself a pagan and hate Christianity, but yet you describe Christianity as having its origins in paganism and Sun worshipping. Wouldn’t that be a good thing in your books, why would you hate Christianity then if it’s so like paganism?

            I never said i hate christianity. I aenjoy the christmas trees and enjoy the festive period in december, as i understand that the whole holiday is based on the winter solstice, and the christmas tree is based on the YULE trees from scandinavia, i just interpret things differently and can see value in things. I appreciate the celtic art produced by the celtic christian church. I previously said that i appreciated Brigids CROSS, as it is polytheistic in origin. It is a fire symbol, the birth of the spring brings fire, the sunlight etc. Its more the RCC that i criticise, as it is a heavily politicalized institution. There are reasons for breakaway christian groups, it was to escape controls by the vatican, although i still view christianity itself as being very globalist and it being a type of monoculture, theologically that was the way it is designed. It is a very imperialistic and expansionist in its ideology regarding church doctrine, very militaristic in the way it was spread historically.

            Hate is such a strong term. I actually appreciate a lot of religons from a theological perspective, as they interest me and enlighten me, as it does so many others aswell. A lot can be learned from them, but i don’t bow down to no book. Regarding christianity, i am an avid reader of the bible myself, and actually enjoy it, i also enjoy the christian dichotomy of “good versus evil”, i find it entertaining, Although overall i see christianity as being very linear in its philosophy, too black and white, and it sometimes bores me a lot like i said. I find it to be mostly black and white thinking, with no shades of gray. Also the bible itself plagiarises a lot from pre-christian religons. For example, the flood myth is worldwide myth that is shown in multiple pre-christian civilisations and religons all around the world.

            I also never called myself a pagan, i reject any derogatory christian labels such as pagan, heretic, heathen etc.

            The words pagan, heathen, heretics have negative connotations attached to them because of the RCC controlled RELIGIOUS THINK throughout history. .

            Would the japanese call themselves pagans, heretics, heathens just because they have a national polytheist religious system based around nature worship and seeing the gods and goddesses in their beautiful landscapes, mountains etc? Not at all. Would the Hindus call themselves such labels? No.

            I also do not feel like replying to any more posts here on this article, i made my point already.

  3. If we want to get into the business of unproven claims of sexual abuse against dead clerics, there have also been such claims against Archbishop McQuaid (who I admire greatly and who I don’t believe for one moment was guilty of such acts).

    Eamon Casey should never been ordained a bishop, but I think the author is mistaken in dividing Catholicism into “modernism” and “traditionalism”. He might just as well have quoted Corinthians: “To those without the law I became like one without the law… to win those without the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. ” Different situations call for different approaches. The sort of protectionism that the bishops found appropriate in the early twentieth century was just not going to fly in the modern world.

    Is this to justify everything the Irish bishops have done in our lifetime? Not at all. Like many Irish Catholics, I yearn for them to take a firmer stand against anti-Christian forces. But the dichotomy of “modernism” vs. “traditionalism” is cartoonish.

    If Cardinal Cullen and Archbishop McQuaid were alive today, would their Ultramontanism make them ardent supporters of Pop e Francis? I don’t know the answer, but we should at least contemplate the possibility.


    1. @ Maolsheachlann

      Defending McQuaid now are you? Why would you admire him? You hardline catholics would seriously need to wake up a small bit. Heads in the sand as usual. You never acknowledge why so many irish people got fed up with the RCC.

      In the 1950s, McQuaid WENT COMPLETELY AGAINST, Noel Browne, a Governmental Minister of Health, who was shocked by the absence of ante-natal care for pregnant women, and the resulting infant mortality rates in Ireland, he proposed providing free access to health care for mothers and children in a new Mother and Child Scheme.

      Mcquaid lost the plot and campaigned against it, the grip the RCC had over irish society can be described as nothing other than A VATICAN vassal state. There is no nationalism there, only vaticanism imposed by celibate serveants of rome, some of whom were involved in DISGUSTING abuse scandals. As for McQuaid and the allegations, there is no smoke without fire!

      Mcquaid was also said to be in opposition to a government Adoption Act proposed to remove control over adoption of extra-marital children from the Catholic church.

      Those children belonged to their mothers and fathers, NOT THE CHURCH!

      In 1961 McQuaid established a hostel in Dublin for boys who had been in industrial schools, mainly Artane and assigned priests to see to their spiritual welfare and to help them integrate into society.

      A dangerous individual was McQuaid. Artane was a NIGHTMARE, it was a school that used corporal punishment and was involved in other sinister abuse scandals.

      The most common reaction to abuse being reported was to move the offender to another institution run by the same order. DISGUSTING!

      Vaticanism is not real irish nationalism!


      1. Maolsheachlann 06/09/2021 at 9:03 pm

        Fianna, I don’t have time to respond to all that. But I will just query how you can subordinate religion to nationalism. I’m a nationalist but it’s impossible to have a national religion. Religion is universal or nothing. I don’t object to globalism in the spiritual realm. You need a single arbiter to define religious doctrine.


        1. @Maolsheachlann

          Christianity can be interpreted in different ways and does not need ONE single arbiter to define the religious doctrine.

          Wake up a small bit. There are countless breakaway christian groups throughout history.

          The slavish attitude you catholics have towards the vatican i find a bit sheepish to be honest. As sean says the shepherd of the flock. HAHA. For consistency sake does the church even align with right-wing political think? No it does not. In fact the church is anti-nationalism and is hard-left politically. Its not just a religon when it calls for mass-immigration, thats political in nature.

          Irish right wing groups using christianity to criticise immigration is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen.

          The left will constantly point out that you are not good christians and ireland will never accept it politically because ireland is heavily christianised in thought, other european states not so much, not so much as ireland is. Ireland loves the slavish subservience, being told what to do, NOT HOW TO THINK.

          Historically christianity has been interpreted in different ways, but the RCC from a historical standpoint has shown it consistently wants to have a monopoly on the doctrine, as they love power and control and vassal states, there is reasons why jesuits were kicked out of many countries, its because they want vassal states that bow down to the papacy.

          Look at the history of Ireland regarding the celtic christian church, they distinguished themselves from the Roman Church. It was a unique medieval insular gaelic style Christianity in ireland. They had a form of independence from rome and were punished for it eventually. Pope Adrian IV issued the Laudabiliter (a bull) in 1155 for an invasion of ireland. The bull granted the right to King Henry II of England to invade and govern Ireland and to enforce Gregorian Reforms on the irish christian church. They sent in Richard de Clare (Strongbow) and Diarmuid MacMorrough to lead the invasion.

          The church sent in an ARMY to subjugate the so-called barbaric and impious people of Ireland for daring to be more independent from rome regarding christianity.

          Thats ROME for you. Thats why i criticise sean josephs views, he is not very well researched at all and the calls for RCC type vassal state and control telling women what to wear? Eww.

          The church done a similar thing to england when england aligned with the Protestant reformation taking place in europe. The church sent in the SPANISH ARMADA to suppress it FFS!

          The RCC has historically always wanted vassal states.

          So hardline irish catholics, like sean joseph and yourself, you two would want to read some history about the RCC and its globalist aspirations and the need for vassal states, i blame the education system for the lack of knowledge surrounding the topic, and i think the irish need for latinisation and vaticanisation among the nationalist minority shows a lack of independent thinking regarding nationalism in my opinion.

          The monks of the celtic christian church preserved a lot of irelands ancient myths and legends, whilst europe was undergoing christianisation, and the Gaelic.Celtic art they produced is something very complex and artistic. They were not very latinised, they produced a lot of celtic art. They never slavishly followed rome, they kind of developed their own thinking around what i think is a middle eastern religon that came in through roman britain where irish kings converted for POWER and political reasons.

          I also disagree that a religon can not be more nationalistic, look at the celtic christian church? you could say that it was a more nationalistic branch of christianity? I see lots of celtic spirals in celtic christianity, none in roman catholicism.

          Going further back in time regarding Religon/Spirituality in ancient Ireland, the spirituality was more localized, thus more nationalistic you could say. Polytheistic tribes from Ireland and ancient europe had their own regional gods and goddesses tied into their natural landscapes. Many places in Ireland were ancient worship centres for those deities, many rivers, lakes, mountains, forests in Ireland are all associated with them. Many places are named after those deities in ireland. A local collection of spirituality tied to specific regions. You see in ancient Ireland, they worshipped the land, their spirituality was in nature, they were not some vassal state of the papacy back then. The old ireland was INDEPENDENT.

          A lot can be learned from the past.

          Look at the mural at nassau street dublin of the Táin Bó Cúailnge. Ireland does have an ancient past worth remembering. An ancient language worth preserving. A history that needs to be teached about more.

          Read history and educate yourselves a bit before you try and debate me please.

          I can point out that if the papacy did not tell strongbow to invade ireland, then ireland would still have its language.

          So what was worse? vatican lead invasion done by the normans ? or cromwell? ask yourselves where it all started in the first place.

          Catholic nationalism is globalism anyway. So wheres your right-wing pope guys? He is the head after all? he is the leader? You can not go against the leader if you believe in the vatican. I find the complaining to be tedious. The RCC is not going to move from its hard left political ideology.

          The majority of catholics in ireland are left-wing politically anyway, its a fact. They are not giving alternative parties any significant votes, so preaching about old catholic ireland is just a waste of time in my opinion. The young adults in ireland are turning away from catholicism more and more, look at the mass attendance. ITS gone!


        2. @Maolsheachlann

          Before you spread nonsense again and say that that a national religon is not possible,

          Then look at JAPAN and their indigenous religon of Shinto 神道

          Nature based worship and polytheist, no subservience to rome there, jesuits were kicked out of japan once upon time for sticking their nose in things.

          The japanese saw through it and reverted to nationalism and maintained their Shinto.

          Its all the more beautiful for it.

          christian is boring monoculture globalism. You and sean have not the slightest clue what it is you are talking about regarding christianity.


          1. Maolsheachlann 09/09/2021 at 7:15 pm

            Fianna, I’m not going to defend everything the Catholic Church has done, including Laudabiliter. I do defend its history as a whole and its claim to be the church Christ founded. I respect Shinto and all the different Christian denominations, but ultimately only one religion can be TRUE. I believe it’s the Catholic Church. Applying political labels like right-wing and left-wing to Catholicism is, in my view, mistaken. Peace be with you, we both love Ireland.

  4. Do protestant clergy have as high a rate of sex abuse allegations as their catholic counterparts ?
    Historically , too many joined the Catholic clergy , for the wrong reasons – financial , covering up people’s same sex sexual preferences .


  5. Has anyone written about Bishop Cornelius Lucey – surely another Traditional Catholic Bishop ? I think he produced an excellent Catechism, on sale and popular in England. I’d like to know what he and Dr Browne REALLY thought about the Second Vatican Council ? I wonder if they belong to the league of Episcopal Broken Hearts – but then did they really speak out during or after the Council about its errors and the post-conciliar reforms. Were any of these bishops sympathetic to the maintaining the Old Rite of Mass ? My impression that they became Conciliar Conformists enforcing the New Ways, although Dr McQuaide, I believe, was reluctant to allow forward table altars. Yes, it’s a big problem for Ultramontanist Catholics (Opus Dei and many others); with a Pope like Pope Francis. Some become sedevacantists – unwilling to accept anything questionable as coming from Eternal and True Rome. Sorry, I am raising all sorts of questions here ! A thought provoking article; many thanks.


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